BrightManager - Tasks and Workflows - Setting Up Tasks and Workflows and using the Task List Filters

by Jonathan Stobart and Liston Lane

At Bright, we're committed to ensuring our users can maximise the value they get from our software, which is why our session with Liston Lane from the Customer Success team is one to pop in your diary.

This session is designed to guide you through mastering one of our biggest features in the software, the task list.

We don't mean using it like a spreadsheet by adding "write email" or "file VAT return" and calling it a day. We mean elevating it beyond a simple to-do list to discover the full potential of its functionality. That way, you can set it up to mirror the needs of your firm.

This isn't just a chance to learn, but an opportunity to directly ask the team any questions you have, so you can leave with the confidence to transform your firm in the ways you've always dreamed of.